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From: Interpol Special Agent Capolungo

Space Provides Opportunities to Assist Global Agriculture

This article provides an in sight into possible beneficial and peaceful uses space can have for farmers and others in agriculture.  From tracking climate change to where water is available, space can help provide global assistance in making farming easier and more efficient.

Benefits of Space: Agriculture

Agriculture forms the basis of the world’s food supply. Soil conditions, water availability, weather extremes and climate change can represent costly challenges both to farmers and the overall food security of populations.

Photo:UN Photo
Photo:UN Photo

Space-based technology is of value to farmers, agronomists, food manufacturers and agricultural policymakers who wish to simultaneously enhance production and profitability. Remote sensing satellites provide key data for monitoring soil, snow cover, drought and crop development. Rainfall assessments from satellites, for example, help farmers plan the timing and amount of irrigation they will need for their crops. Accurate information and analysis can also help predict a region’s agricultural output well in advance and can be critical in anticipating and mitigating the effects of food shortages and famines.

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