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From: Under Secretary for Arms Control

North Korean importation of weapons

Intelligence Bulletin


Seoul – 22 July 2018

13:45 [UTC+9:00]


Subject: North Korea’s importation of goods, even under economic sanctions

Type: Foreign Intervention

Status: Urgent



It has come under South Korean and American Intelligence that North Korea has been importing  18 tons of oil, 15 tons of food, and a large unspecified amount weapons even under economic sanctions. In addition, intel reports that these imports come from Russia and China, including uranium for nuclear weapons. Furthermore, analysts predict that with the amount of weapons that are being imported, it is quite certain that North Korea is preparing for war.



North Korean armament increase

Loss of only leverage on North Korea

Stronger DPRK ties with China and Russia

Another threat to U.S. and allies


Requested Response:

South Korean and Japanese forces have already set their navies to enforce the Economic sanctions. U.S. Military forces are requested to aid enforcements.


Failure to Act:

If these economic sanctions lose credibility, our only leverage towards denuclearizing North Korea will be lost. In addition, if North Korea is preparing for war, that would spell an immediate security threat for the U.S. and its allies.


Recommended Response:

The U.S. and its allies of South Korea, and Japan must respond to prevent any future North Korean threat. Although being that the Kim regime has been sensitive towards any U.S. involvement in the peninsula, covert action is recommended in order to preventing any rising tensions.


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