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From: Chief of Staff Markley

Republic of India


Historical Background: The Republic of India is a country of many international influences. From tribal conquest in 1500BCE to the British control between the early 18 century till India’s independence in 1947. As of the past 60 years India and Pakistan have been at conflict over land ownership and nuclear proliferation.

Political System: Federal Parliamentary Republic

Economic System: Capitalist

Economic Standing: $9.45 Trillion

Military Strength: 4,207,250

Foreign Military Bases: Bhutan, Madagascar, Mauritius

Other Capabilities and Assets: 2,185 Aircraft, 720 Helicopters, 4,426 Tanks, 190 Artillary, 295 Naval ships

Geographic Location and Features: 7,000km coastline, 14,500 km waterways

Political Culture: There is a cast system.

Internal Strength: Population and partnership with western countries help to increase the GD year over year.

Internal Weakness: Cost of living, population, corruption and.

Other International Characteristics: India is seen as friendly to West which allows regional partner.

International Objectives and Capabilities: Control of all parts of India especially area contested with Pakistan.

Key Institutional Membership: SAARC, BRICS, UN, G-20, G-8, G-4

Policy Promotion: The Kashmir Conflict, Corruption, Education of underprivileged youth, Maintaining world power status, increased health access to poor,

Policy Detraction: Corruption is rampant within India’s political offices.


Allies: USA, England, Singapore, Japan, Russia

Adversaries: China, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Pakistan

Foreign Policy Objectives: Maintain current partnerships with west as well as reassert control over Kashmir region.

Capabilities: Ties to West, Military population

Obstacles: military is not as powerful as Pakistan or adversaries

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