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From: Intel Officer

coup attempt on Ukraine



Flash Bulletin 

30 November 2021 

Subject: Possible coup attempt on Ukraine. Ukraine’s President Zeleskyy has audio recording connecting the Russian government to the coup. Ukraine and Russia have military movements. 

Status : Heightened 

Event: November 26th President Zeleskyy announced that a coup was suppose to transpire on December 1st or 2nd. Russian government has dismissed the claims. Ukraine’s Ministry of defense confirms 90,000 Russian troops are on the border. Ukraine on the 24th did  “training exercise” on the Belarus border that included drone exercises and military drills. Ukraine’s troops have stayed on the Belarus border and are estimated at 30,000. 

Action: It is recommended at that the US heavily monitor the military movements of both the Ukraine and Russia. 

US and the rest of Europe must continue to promote diplomacy, encourage non-military reactions by the Ukraine and Russia.

Estimated cost: Public diplomacy $100K; Espionage $750K

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