




                   Advanced Strategies in Political Science Simulations

                                Preparing the Leaders of Tomorrow through Scholarship and Applied Practitioner Training


The ASiPSS Approach

The Advanced Strategies in Political Science Simulations project was founded on the belief that truly successful preparation for careers in the field of Political Science can only be achieved through sound scholarship in combination with authentic application of practitioner skill sets. Tasking students to carry out duties commonly faced by policymaking professionals, ASiPSS simulations provide both students and educators a unique tool; allowing for the practical application of classroom lessons through an apprenticeship-like experience.


 Environmental Immersion


ASiPSS simulations are designed to run an entire semester/quarter in conjunction with established coursework, but are fully customizable to meet the pedagogical requirements of any class. In all cases, they embrace a total immersion strategy recreating political, strategic and economic environments in which contemporaneous policy is created. In some cases, provide  a tangible link to the formation of real world policies. In doing so, they establish a perceptible sense of purpose to student coursework.



Practitioner Training

The primary objective of all ASiPSS simulations is for students to walk away with concrete skill sets that will provide them with the confidence to succeed in the workplace. With this in mind, methods for conducting solid analytical research and producing professional quality oral and written products is stressed. In addition, students are challenged to find collaborative solutions to contemporary bargaining processes through the practice of acquired negotiation techniques and mediation strategies. Throughout this process, students are exposed to the structures and established practices of relevant institutions, governmental bodies, and civil society organizations.

Crisis Management


Putting into practice the scholarship and practical skills acquired throughout the semester, students are tasked with resolving a contemporary political crisis within strict time constraints. Provided a budget appropriate to their assigned role, participants, employ their accrued negotiation and mediation skills to find dynamic solutions that not only avoid immediate conflict, but include a plan for a lasting settlement.


Professional Communication Development

ASiPSS simulations take serious the reality that the ability to effectively communicate is essential to success in the workplace. While educators may choose to include an extensive term paper as part of their established coursework, ASiPSS simulations stress the importance of writing clear, concise, and informative policy briefs of no more than three pages in length. In addition, participants are tasked with the responsibility to produce a formal policy briefing and to argue for a self-defined policy prescription to a panel of experts.