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What is Nonproliferation?
The act or practice of curbing or controlling an excessive and/or rapid spread of weaponry. Although most commonly applied to the spread of nuclear weapons, nonproliferation efforts can seen throughout every type of weapon platform. ASiPSS' Center for NonProliferation website embraces this latter view. It is our objective to provide the public with up-to-date information and resources on both proliferation challenges and measures being taken by individuals, states, and international institutions to counter this burgeoning trend. We hope you will find the information contained in these pages informative, enlightening, and motivating
Our Mission
ASiPSS' for NonProliferation is a student managed project* that is part of the Advanced Strategies in Political Science Simulations (ASiPSS) platform. It’s primary function is to provide students of International Arms Control a venue through which they can tangibly apply knowledge acquired in the classroom to the real world. Additionally, as a free access platform the Council for NonProliferation website provides the public a valuable tool for learning more about weapons proliferation and disarmament issues. In doing so, the site establishes a perceptible sense of purpose to student coursework.
To learn more about this project and the Advance Strategies in Political Science Simulations platform, please visit us at