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We encourage you to use these valuable and informative resources to learn more about international arms control and disarmament issue; including activities, upcoming events, and to conduct in depth research. Students can also access a comprehensive directory of links to resources related to international political issues by following this link and post their blogs by following this link.
United Nations Bodies
Conference on Disarmament (affiliated)
Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons
International Court of Justice
Interpol (partner)
United Nations Office of Disarmament Affairs
United Nations General Assembly 1st Committee
United Nations General Assembly 6th Committee
United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research
Government Offices
China Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
France Diplomatie Disarmament and Non Proliferation
Russian Foreign Ministry - Non-proliferation and Arms Control
United Kingdom Committees on Arms Export Controls
United States
Director of National Intelligence National Counterproliferation Center
Federal Bureau of Investigation Counter Proliferation Center
US State Dpt: Bureau of Arms Control, Verification and Compliance (AVC)
US State Dpt: Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation (ISN)
US State Dpt: Under Secretary for Arms Control and International Security
Research Institutions
Arms Trade Treaty Baseline Assessment Project
Bonn International Center for Conversion
Brookings Arms Control and Non-Proliferation Initiative
Center for Strategic and International Studies – Proliferation Prevention Program
Federation of American Scientists
Georgetown Law Library – Int. Arms Control Research Guide
Norwegian Initiative on Small Arms Transfers
Peace Research Institute Oslo – Mapping Arms Data
Rand Corporation – Arms Proliferation and Control
Stockholm International Peace Research Institute